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GWR  #65-BFT1

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If you're in an area of the country that's unusually high in humidity, then using direct boiling point analysis to determine moisture content in the brake fluid is a valuable asset.  A quick test will assist you in determining when replacement should be recommended... show the customer that you are concerned with their safety!


Brake fluid is the most abused fluid in your car!

Brake fluid should be replaced every 24 months or 24,000 miles, in the absence of OEM recommendations. The reason is that the two types of contamination affecting brake fluids generally begin their insidious attack during the 18th to 24th month of a fluids life.

• Particulate Contamination - Created through the physical wear of components within the hydraulic system.

• Moisture Contamination - Brake fluid is hydroscopic and therefore absorbs moisture.  Moisture is absorbed through rubber parts such as brake hoses, caliper seals, and wheel cylinder cups.

Why flush the system ?

Either type of contamination will cause serious problems and compromise the safety of the best brake service.   Test results, visual inspection and mileage should all be used as parameters to determine when to flush the system.

• As brake fluid absorbs moisture, the boiling point is reduced and corrosion will occur, its only a matter of time.

• Due to the high temperature created in a brake system, the reduced boiling point will cause the brake fluid to boil. This condition, referred to as "brake fade" causes the driver to lose some or all of the brake pedal.


So How Do You Convince The Customer?
Show them GWR's Brake Fluid Tester Results!

GWR's Brake Fluid Tester measures the boiling point of brake fluid.  The tester actually raises the temperature of a sample of brake fluid until the boiling point in reached. The unit then displays the measured boiling temperature on the LCD display. This is an excellent means for testing the moisture content of brake fluid, especially in a humid area of the country.  The readout makes it easy to show the customer that their fluid need changing too... an opportunity for additional labor on the brake service ticket.

Features include:

• Simple operation, with large easy to read LCD display:

Step 1. Transfer brake fluid sample to test cup.

Step 2. Insert BFT-1 probe into test cup and "Press To Test".

Step 3. LCD displays brake fluid boiling point in 20-60 seconds.

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